Thursday, December 9, 2010

30 Days of Skating - Day 16: Your Dream 2014 Olympic Medalists

...Like you didn't see that coming after you read the title. ;) This one is so much easier than predicting who I think will win!

For the ladies, I'd like to see something like this...

Gold -Mao Asada
Silver - Mirai Nagasu
Bronze -Christina Gao/Akiko Suzuki

Mao is a lovely skater and wants it (Olympic gold) so badly, and I appreciate that she is trying to relearn her jumps in order to have proper technique and a full set of triples. It's hard to correct something when you have the wrong way to do it in your muscle memory from doing it that way so long, and I think it's great that Mao is working on her weak points and trying to make her skating the best it can be. Mirai has a personality that really grabs your attention and when at her best, you can see it in her performances. Christina Gao stood out to me in the splat fest that was US Nationals last season, so I'd like to see her grow and hopefully be an Olympic medalist one day. And finally, Akiko Suzuki, because she skates with heart; you can see she enjoys skating and I love that she brings you along for the ride.

For the pairs... well. I don't see nearly as many anymore, but from what I do...
Gold - Pang/Tong (though in reality, I kinda doubt they'll stay in)
Silver - Savchenko/Szolkowy
Bronze - Barazova/Larionov

I have a soft spot for Pang and Tong after watching them for so long and I'm basically a sucker for a good pairs love story. I enjoy their lyrical style and it's always a pleasure to watch Chinese throws and twists. Savchenko and Szolkowy impressed me at the 2010 Olympics - I really loved their freeskate, and I find it a bit of a shame that their Olympic season didn't go quite how they had hoped (although never would I EVER wish that Shen and Zhao hadn't won in Vancouver) , and I think it'd be great if they stayed in and improved on their placement in Sochi. Barazova and Larionov have a beautiful style, and if they continue to improve and avoid injury, they could definitely be serious contenders at top competitions. I'd definitely like to see that, so long as she works on her jumps (they lack height and possibly rotation).

For ice dance, I'd like...
Gold - Maia Shibutani/Alex Shibutani
Silver - Meryl Davis/Charlie White
Bronze - ?

Although I have no idea who I'd like to have the bronze at this point in time, I'd love to see the Shibutanis and Marlie go 1-2, in either order (after all, the Shibutanis will still be pretty young for ice dancers). I really enjoy both teams, and how amazing would it be for America to win two Olympic medals in ice dance at one time?!?

For the men...
Gold - Daisuke Takahashi
Silver - Adam Rippon/Takahiko Kozuka
Bronze - Florent Amodio

Yeah, yeah - my pick for gold is extremely predictable, but what can I say? Daisuke is my clear favorite and he wants the gold so badly. I really feel that as amazing of a skater that he is and considering what he's overcome to get this far, that he deserves to be the first Japanese man to win the Olympic title in figure skating. For silver, I can't bring myself to decide who I want it for more at this point, Adam or Takahiko, especially because both will be about the same age and might be thinking of retirement by then :-/. Finally, for bronze, I'd like Florent to have it, although by then he might really be challenging for gold if he continues to develop the way he has been.

Hopefully at least a few of my dream picks will come true - the Olympics aren't exactly my favorite skating competition. There always seems to be a skater who misses out on a medal that really deserved one and either were judged poorly or they succumbed to nerves and robbed themselves. Also, sometimes a skater just happens to get lucky and skate well on the right day, but overall their skating isn't worth an Olympic gold and the recognition that comes along with it. I'll take the World Championships over the Olympic heartbreaks any day.


Anonymous said...

With your ladies podium, you are discounting the up and comers, the Russian babies. Also, I love Akiko as well, but she's already 25. So unfortunate she lost all those earlier years due to anorexia...

Anonymous said...

Mao Asada is totally out of shape. I don't know whether she can qualify for Sochi or not. So, to say Mao for gold medal in sochi is more like daydream.

Anonymous said...

well I am totally rooting for mao to get gold at sochi, she has dreamed off it for so long and is a very hard working skater that dares to take risks and challenge herself, and her jumps well eventually be back when she gets used to her new technique, and let her new jumps become a part of her. Mao Asada is the most complete skater, and when she gets her jumps and speed back she will be impossible to beat...but akiko is too old and I doubt she well skate much longer...

Anonymous said...

Dream and Reality are totally two different thing. No matter how hard Mao work, I don't think she capable or strong enough to win gold on big stage. I think her time has passed. It's better for her to retire now rather then show up at sochi and humiliate herself like michelle kwan @ 06 olympic or sasha cohen @ 2010 US National. That will be painful to watch.

Anonymous said...

It's called a "DREAM" podium people. If you don't like the picks, then pick your own. lol.

Lisa said...

Thank you, last Anonymous, haha.

It's my dream podium picks guys. It is who I hope will get medals, not necessarily who I think will. I did a post on who I THINK may medal in Sochi the other day and I did indeed mention the young Russian girls as a possibility.

As for other up and comers, my hopes my change as more skaters come up the ranks, but this is who I am hoping for right now.

We all know that Mao is having a difficult time right now, but Sochi is over 3 years away - that is plenty of time to work out all the issues she is having with her new technique. She also had a rough start to last season, but she came back and won the Olympic silver and defeated Yu-Na at Worlds. She isn't one to be counted out.

Anonymous said...

Mao today problem is totally different from last year problem Lisa. Last season, she fell on 3A, or 3S. But this season, Mao can't jump all triple jumps.

Lisa said...

That is true, but this year she is trying to rebuild her technique because she couldn't do all of them perfectly. It'll take some time for Mao to relearn them and for her muscles to memorize the feeling of doing them correctly. I'm not sure she will have her jumps together by the end of this season, but if she continues to be vigilant, she may have them back in plenty of time for the next Olympics, which is her goal.

Anonymous said...

@ Lisa:

Well, Let's hope so but I'm not really confident about that.

Cheyenne said...

To the anon who keeps doubting Mao, I suggest you just stop spreading the hate. It's just annoying. Your accusations are groundless...did you see Mao at the start of last season? She ended up with Olympic silver by the end! It's impossible to say that Mao can't make it. And she is not totally out of shape...the only thing out of shape is her JUMPS. You're forgetting the rest of her skating, which is gorgeous as always. So just please stop and go cheer for your favorite skater instead of knocking others down. :P

wonderlen3000 said...

poor Mao. She is out for this season and prob out of the Japanese world team.